A middle school in Paso Robles, Lewis Flamson Junior High School, experienced a lockdown on Thursday due to a false alarm. At approximately 12:50 p.m., a student reported hearing about a person with a firearm near the campus, prompting the school to notify the Paso Robles Police Department. Police quickly arrived, secured the area, and conducted a thorough search, detaining a juvenile off-campus. However, after interviewing students, it was confirmed that no one had seen a firearm. The situation was deemed a false alarm, with no injuries or evidence of gunfire found. The lockdown was lifted once the campus was declared safe, and the school day continued as normal. Paso Robles Joint USD emphasized its commitment to safety, stating: “This response reflects our commitment to protecting our schools and ensuring the safety of everyone involved.”
False alarm triggers school lockdown
3 responses to “False alarm triggers school lockdown”
This article offered a fresh perspective that I really appreciated!
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But I fished a party at the staircase I wonder about you shoot the
So you tasted it That one I ll cut him an antitank
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